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Be different!

Years have passed since I left home. I am not writing this because I am being driven by emotions, because I am being homesick and missing my mom’s warm hug. No. I would rather be here to tell you that being different makes a difference, positions you amongst a few and let you fly – if you dream so.

I don’t think so that the life ever cuddles me. All the ways have been rough. I am thankful to have such paths behind me, and even more thankful and happier to be this firm and steadfast in making my decisions and choosing life path ahead.

I was only 15 when I started going boarding school. My dad was the only who supported me, but it did not get me back. I took a step ahead, and never did regret my decision.

After I finished High school, I went to study abroad. It was a path full of stones and thorns. Yet the decision was only mine, I still had a wish of dropping it all and returning back home. A million times I had asked myself do I need such kind of torturing, do I need to cry myself to sleep only because my parents are not beside? I have been lucky to go through all this, otherwise I would have never been able to become who I am now. A strong, firm and sometimes too tough.

Being tough does not make you being a less human. It proves that you are ready to walk alone. To take the most difficult steps alone and need not anyone’s support but His.

I firmly believe, that there is no greater support than having God beside you. Neither do I believe there is a greater happiness than asking God to fulfill your wishes and make the paths to keep your dreams alive.

I might have said that I made all the decisions in my life alone, without listening anyone, but yet, He was there. He has open all the doors for me, knowing that it was all good for me. He has tested me by rough paths, but yet, made me stronger than some people would ever be.

I have never been saddened by God giving me hard tasks to go through. I have only been saddened by two things in life: by people not relying on God and people not appreciating the life.

Sometimes I do wonder and ask myself what is a real happiness? How would happiness look like if you make it a bit grater? Would it glitter stronger? Would it make you fly?

I am happy because I appreciate everything God has given to me.

People take life for granted and it makes me sad. I wish people could be brave, have more courage to make their dreams come true and make the world better place for everyone. We do not change the world by changing the whole community, we change it by changing ourselves.

Never look around and make your decisions based on opinion of the others. Your friends might not support your decision because they think you as perfect as you are. You do not have always to listen to your parents. Parents are those who would always make you stay near by them, and won’t let you go further.

Always do remember, that you do not make your dreams come true by listening to your friends, parents and family. Your dreams come true by you being different, by you having enough courage to take a step ahead and do not turn back.

Your decisions might make you being emotional and regret in some moments, but remember you have made it and you can handle it out. If you were enough brave to make a decision, you are even tougher and stronger to make it work.

Do cry, it does not make you being less human. It just shows that you have a heart thou. Do pursue your dreams.

People never regret what they have done, but they regret what they have not done. You will regret risks not taken and dreams not pursued. Do not let your last words be: If only, I had… Life is too short to miss chances we have.

You will get stressed and depressed but there are no smooth paths. Keep going and never give up. Life is full of pain but the decision is on you. Would you bear the pain while pursuing your dreams or would you bear the pain while being haunted and letting some else stealing your dreams? We are afraid of thieves, who might steal material things around us, but aren’t you afraid of some who might steal your dreams and take it away?

Life is a gift and you do not live it twice. Remember God is always there watching and taking care of you. Be not afraid to take off and to follow your dreams.

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